Factors influencing customer satisfaction of coffee in Nepal : “Coffee of Promise” brand in Kathmandu, Nepal

Factors influencing customer satisfaction of coffee in Nepal : “Coffee of Promise” brand in Kathmandu, Nepal


        Coffee as a culture can be traced back to ancient Ethiopia, when a goat herder first noticed his flock's response after consuming coffee berries (Smith, 1985). This discovery and the coffee have traversed through continents, influencing cultures globally, including the unique coffee culture in Nepal. The agricultural domination aligns with the culture of coffee production, introducing the coffee market as an opportunity for its integration into the evolving culture of Kathmandu. As the urban city transitions between traditional tea shops and the allure of coffee, the coffee culture has attracted a younger population and contributed to a surge in cafe culture. The research particularly focuses on understanding the psyche of the Nepali coffee consumer, while highlighting the brand 'Coffee of Promise' and its potential in the dynamic landscape of coffee consumption through assessment of traditional marketing elements (7Ps), emerging role of digital marketing and the role of service quality. 

        This research investigates the consumer behaviour and satisfaction pertaining to the brand “Coffee of Promise” in Kathmandu, Nepal. Utilising a quantitative approach, data was gathered from 402 respondents through online surveys.The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane’s formula to ensure diverse representation across various demographics. Crucial discoveries from this study revealed a high daily consumption rate (54.5%) and highlighted the significant influence of the 7Ps of marketing, service quality and digital marketing strategies on customer satisfaction. The reliability of these findings was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha scores, emphasising the necessity for a strategic emphasis on product quality, service enhancements and proficient digital marketing. These insights offer valuable direction for improving customer satisfaction and strengthening the brands position in the Nepali coffee market.


        Coffee as a culture can be traced back to ancient Ethiopia, when a goat herder first noticed his flock's response after consuming coffee berries (Smith, 1985). This discovery and the coffee have traversed through continents, influencing cultures globally, including the unique coffee culture in Nepal. The agricultural domination aligns with the culture of coffee production, introducing the coffee market as an opportunity for its integration into the evolving culture of Kathmandu. As the urban city transitions between traditional tea shops and the allure of coffee, the coffee culture has attracted a younger population and contributed to a surge in cafe culture. The research particularly focuses on understanding the psyche of the Nepali coffee consumer, while highlighting the brand 'Coffee of Promise' and its potential in the dynamic landscape of coffee consumption through assessment of traditional marketing elements (7Ps), emerging role of digital marketing and the role of service quality. 

        This research investigates the consumer behaviour and satisfaction pertaining to the brand “Coffee of Promise” in Kathmandu, Nepal. Utilising a quantitative approach, data was gathered from 402 respondents through online surveys.The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane’s formula to ensure diverse representation across various demographics. Crucial discoveries from this study revealed a high daily consumption rate (54.5%) and highlighted the significant influence of the 7Ps of marketing, service quality and digital marketing strategies on customer satisfaction. The reliability of these findings was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha scores, emphasising the necessity for a strategic emphasis on product quality, service enhancements and proficient digital marketing. These insights offer valuable direction for improving customer satisfaction and strengthening the brands position in the Nepali coffee market.

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